
QuoJob. The Agency Software.


Your partner for efficient agency processes 🚀

With QuoJob, you can make the work processes in your agency more efficient and thus put the user first. By working with the dedicated and highly qualified team, you benefit from comprehensive expertise and personal support. Take advantage of the expertise of the experienced QuoJob team and optimize your processes, increase customer satisfaction and enhance your image.

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Your key contacts

Jil Büser mit Rokko & Polly Business Development Managerin / Datenschutzbeauftragte / Prokuristin
Uwe Gebauer Senior Consultant
Thomas Lütcke CTO
Ingrid Rebs Development
Andreas Keiser Development
Robin Laschinsky Development
Jörn Pattberg Development
Dustin Schrot Development
Maryam Jalilarazi Auszubildende zur Fachinformatikerin für Anwendungsentwicklung
Dominik Winkler Auszubildender zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung
Justus Klapper Development
Edwin Stuth Support
Florian Lachetzke Auszubildender zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung
Philipp Turken Support
Isabell Schulze-Boddem Product Owner / Support
Isa Said CEO

What makes the QuoJob team stand out as a partner of your agency


Comprehensive expertise

The team knows the processes in office management, customer consulting, project and personnel planning, budget management, accounting and controlling, logistics and production in every detail.


Quality management

Only tools that run stably and extensions that function without errors are integrated into the QuoJob product family, which creates trust in the software solutions.


Creative and administrative competence

The team consists of creative developers, who work closely with key account managers and consultants, as well as administrative experts, for whom the close exchange with users is particularly important in order to constantly optimize the agency software.


Constant improvement

The team draws new insights from the experience every day to make QuoJob even better, because your satisfaction is our goal. We attach great importance to the personal and regular exchange with the users of our agency software. This is the only way we can react to developments in demand and user wishes and ensure dynamic and user-oriented further development of our application. Your satisfaction and the success of your agency are our top priority.

Who is the QuoJob team?

The QuoJob team consists of a group of experts who specialize in helping you make your work processes more efficient. Whether you’re a freelancer, a small startup, or a large agency, the QuoJob team has the expertise and experience to optimize your workday.

The QuoJob team is made up of service-oriented and highly qualified employees. With QuoJob at your side, you not only get individual solutions, but also personal support to optimize your processes in the agency. The QuoJob team is very familiar with the requirements and processes in the various areas such as office management, customer consulting, project and personnel planning, budget management, accounting and controlling, logistics and production.

With the QuoJob team at your side, you receive comprehensive support in optimizing your work processes. Through individual solutions, best consulting, innovative software and reliable support you can make your agency processes more efficient and thus put the user in the foreground. Use the expertise of the QuoJob team and optimize your processes for a successful and sustainable agency.

What are the advantages of working with the QuoJob team?


Expert knowledge

The QuoJob team is made up of professionals with many years of experience in process optimization, project management and IT. So you can be sure that you will be supported by real professionals.


Best advice

Thanks to the QuoJob team’s many years of experience and expertise in the various areas of the agency business, you can be sure that you will receive the best possible advice.


Simple implementation

The QuoJob team accompanies you during the implementation of the optimized processes and ensures that everything runs smoothly. That way, you can focus on what really matters: your business.


Sustainable improvements

By working with the QuoJob team, you will benefit from sustainable improvements that will help increase efficiency and productivity in the long run.


Innovative software

QuoJob team is constantly developing new functionalities and modern interface design for QuoJob software to provide you with the best solutions for your needs.


Reliable support

Whether you need help implementing the software, advice on best practices for the most efficient approach, or recovering a forgotten password, the QuoJob team is always available to provide personalized advice and assistance.


Optimization of your agency processes

With the support of the QuoJob team, you can make your workflows more efficient in the areas of office management, customer consulting, project and personnel planning, budget management, accounting and controlling, logistics and production, and thus take your agency to the next level.


Trustworthy partnership

QuoJob’s unconditional quality management creates trust and security. You can count on the team to always strive to provide you with the best possible solutions.


Individual solutions

The team analyzes your specific requirements and develops individual solutions tailored to your needs. So you get exactly what you need to optimize your processes.

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Wir zeigen dir, wie unsere All-in-One-Agentursoftware alle Bereiche deiner Agentur smart vernetzt und beantworten gerne all deine Fragen.